Local skipper Licence

Learn to sail with us!

Learn to sail with us!

Local Skipper Licence entitles you to operate a recreational craft without size and power limits, in day and night navigation at a maximum distance of 6 miles from the coast and 25 miles from a safe haven. With the Local Skipper Licence, you can, for example, rent a boat anywhere in the world.



Minimum age:

18 years old


Arrábida Natural Park


30 theoretical hours
10 practical hours


380€ per person| *510€ [direct]



Certified trainers;

Course for obtaining the Local Skipper’s Licence;

Appropriate and safe didactic material;

Exam for obtaining the Local Skipper’s Licence;

Issuance of the Local Skipper’s Licence – accredited by DGRM – Direção Geral de Recuros Naturais, Segurança e Serviços Marítimos (Directorate-General for Natural Resources, Safety and Maritime Services);


Payment Terms:

The payment of the course for obtaining the Sailor’s Licence can be made in instalments or in full, unitl the last lesson of the course;

Required documentation:

  • Citizen’s Identity Card;
  • Passport size colour photograph (you can take it free of charge at Arrábida Experiences);
  • Medical Certificate.

*This course can be done directly without having to have the Basic Skipper Licence.



Theoretical Section

Local Skipper Examination Structure
Recreational Boating Regulation
Sailor’s Brief
Sailor’s Art
COLREGs – International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea
Tide Exercises

Pratical Section

Command and steering of a motor or sailing vessel, including:
– Conduct of estimated, coastal and restricted water navigation;
– Man overboard and towing manoeuvres;
– Exercises for the practical application of theoretical knowledge about navigation and safety
Correct use of communication equipment
Correct use of navigation equipment
Checking the accuracy of the information provided by the equipment
Execution of elementary works of seaman’s skills, chosen from among those which have current practical application